Saturday, 14 January 2012

2012 Goals - The Rest of Them

As I finished writing my 2012 Home Goals, I thought about the goals I have - or have thought about, for other aspects of my life. I'm always thinking about life (see my word for the year here), trying to improve myself and coming up with wacky ideas. So here are some other goals that I've been thinking about:

Build a Better Blog:  There are so many bloggers that have been doing this for a lot longer than I have. I'm just starting out and realize I have a LOT to learn. So, I want to learn and absorb the best of what's out there, and make this blog more user-friendly and more 'me.' Who knows, I may get more people wanting to hear about what goes on around here.

Take Better Pictures:  I have a good camera, and good lenses, and darling Mr. E bought me a tripod for Christmas. So I have no excuse for not taking great pictures - other than operator inexperience. I have several friends who are fantastic photographers, and there are a lot of resources that can show me how to get better. And I have four reluctant semi-willing participants who can be my subjects while I practice.
Improve my Photo Editing:  I have a basic knowledge of photo editing - I can crop, brighten, change to black and white. Part of my full-time job involves using Adobe, so I have the latest version of Photoshop to use - and no idea how to do anything other than the basics. I'd like to change that this year.
Take More Time for Me:  I am positive that every Mom in the world has this as a goal - and I'm just as positive that most of those Mom's don't achieve it. I know that's me - I don't put myself first very often, and I really should. I'm happier, more relaxed and a better Mom and wife when I take time for myself. That doesn't have to be much - a few hours of window shopping, lunch with a girlfriend, a pedicure - just a bit of time to recharge on a regular basis.
Scrapbook More:  Part of taking time for me is spending time on activities I love. Scrapbooking is one of them. I have dozens, if not hundreds, of photos with stories I want to tell, but I never seem to have the time. I need to make the time.
More Reading, Less TV:   With less and less on TV that we like to watch, this shouldn't be too hard to do (doesn't it seem like most shows are repeats, over and over again?). This past week, we've started reading before heading to bed, and it's a nice relaxing way to end the day.
Let It Go:  Both at home and at work.  We have pre-teens in the house and they try my patience - this will only get worse if I can't learn to let things go and figure out 'which hill I am going to die on.' This will be a very hard one for me since I'm a bit of a control freak. If I don't, I'll go crazy though - and nobody wants me crazy. Trust me on this.
52 Projects:  I have ideas, lots of them. There are so many projects I'd like to complete that would improve our home. I'm not a Pinterest person yet, so these have been organized into a binder. If I can do one project a week, I'll have 52 completed projects this year. Some of them are small and easy to do, and some of them will take more time. Let's see how much time I actually have for this one.
Organize and De-clutter:  Our house is definitely a home - there is a lot of stuff that has accumulated over the years. Some of it makes our lives easier, but some of it just takes up space. Our neighbourhood has a community garage sale in June - I'd like to participate this year.

Be Healthier:  Eat less and exercise more. And eat healthy foods. Most of the time. We have a crazy schedule - in 2012, we start off with kid activities three nights a week. Trying to prepare healthy meals every night is challenging, and trying to fit exercise in every day is tough too. I'm working on the healthy meals (I talked about it here) and have started running a few days a week.

Looking at this list, it seems overwhelming - especially in a life that is consumed with kids' activities three nights a week, spending time with a wonderful husband, and - oh yeah - a full time job. But, having lofty ambition is what helps us to achieve more than we thought we could.

Either that - or whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I guess I'll see which one it turns out to be. :)

So, here's to 2012. I know it will be a good one!



  1. These are great goals. I was struggling today with Photoshop. I can't even figure out how to load the picture! I want to be able to put pictures those before and after ones. I gave up for today. Maybe you can teach me?

  2. :) You bet! How about we learn together? And I'd love to put the pictures side-by-side too - it can't be hard, but it's definitely beyond me at this point.
